We are proud to partner with the Whakatipu Wilding Control Group (WWCG) here in Queenstown, New Zealand and are officially a participant in their community-based adoption project named "The Ben Lomond Adopt-a-Plot".

Wilding pines have decimated the landscape in certain parts of New Zealand over the years, and their rapid growth means that they have replaced native flora and fauna, destroying the complex ecosystem of pants, insects and birds that once lived there. As a Ben Lomond plot holder, Ethos Collective are responsible for hand clearing the site and ensuring no wilding pine regrowth takes place. We take this project seriously and love working with our local community to collectively meet the Whakatipu Wilding Control Group's vision of protecting and enhancing the local landscape. You can find out more about what they do and read their full vision here.

We have recently partnered with "Litter Intelligence" for our Te Haerenga semester in New Zealand, a program dedicated to understanding Marine debris issues as well as learning the methodology and tangible skills required to help tackle this global issue. Our partnership enables our students to gain 'Lead Citizen Scientist' qualifications, which effectively provides them with the knowledge and tools required to coordinate their own beach clean-ups - creating a ripple effect across the planet once our students return to their homeland post program and get stuck into leading their own beach clean-up projects.



We are currently working with Ekos, a Carbon Management Program based in Nelson, New Zealand. This process is the next step for us to effectively and legitimately measure, reduce and offset our carbon at Ethos Collective. We recognise the potential negative impact our carbon footprint can have on the planet, and we are committed to mindfully adjusting our practices and operations to better position ourselves for a cleaner and healthier future, We are in the process of making sure no stone is left unturned as we collect all the necessary data required, and we look forward to sharing these results with you in the near future. 

Back in 2020 we purchased land up in Marlborough Sounds (the North East of the South Island), with the intention of developing it into a learning environment focused around sustainable living and environmental research. The property is called Totarauni Environmental Centre, and is the old Miners Camp out at Endeavour Inlet. We are thrilled to be the official guardians of such a special site, and look forward to developing this further. Soon we will be able to welcome larger groups to the area where we can study the local ecosystem and play our part in restoring and protecting it. Watch this space!