Our partnership with Pacific Discovery has been a great contribution to the Llama Pack Project. The instructors do a wonderful job getting students motivated and in the right mindset to accomplish the specific tasks that we require in the high-Andean communities. Each time a student group visits us they help us reinforce within Andean llama farmers and their children the importance of rescuing their ancestral tradition of using llamas as pack animals to help preserve our fragile mountain ecosystems. Thanks to the students that have visited us throughout the years we have made amazing progress in our social and environmental goals.

Alejandra Arias-Stella - Co-Founder
Llama Pack Project - Service Project in Peru

Metzil Spanish School in Tulum, Mexico has had the pleasure to teach Spanish to several groups hosted by Pacific Discovery. Through these programs students are not only learning the Spanish language, but are also gaining knowledge about the history and culture of Mexico through guided excursions, Mexican cooking classes and Latin dance lessons. We are very impressed by the enthusiasm of the participants, and the professionalism of the planners and group leaders. The entire organization, actually! Attention to every detail is important to both sides of this partnership and we've been thrilled that travellers benefit from a strong collaboration and mutual goal for a fun, yet informative trip. We look forward to meeting more international travellers through Pacific Discovery.

Sherry from Metzil Spanish School
Tulum, Mexico

“Over the past five years, Pacific Discovery has taken our students on transformative learning experiences abroad. The team are wonderfully responsive to our school's needs, tailoring each trip to our global curricular goals and curating an itinerary that emphasizes immersion, deep learning, and connections to local communities. Pacific Discovery's focus on sustainable and ethical travel aligns closely with our goal to teach students to be responsible global citizens who are committed to changing the world. On the ground, the trip leaders are consummate professionals--skilled experts in risk management and their respective regions of the world. More than any other travel partner that we have used, Pacific Discovery allows our students to gain critical understanding of global and regional issues and provide meaningful opportunities to see in real time what communities are doing to address these challenges. I recommend this company with the greatest enthusiasm.”

Michael Ferrier, 2019
Director of Global Programs
Springside Chestnut Hill Academy

I worked with Pacific Discovery extensively in the planning, development, and implementation of a Texas State School Work study program to Cambodia and Thailand in winter 2007-2008. This was a three-week in-country program involving fifteen students. I was immediately impressed with Pacific Discovery by their excellent, extensive website, and their quick and professional response to my initial inquiries. They were very attentive to the details of the trip as well as responding to my needs. They gained my full confidence very quickly. Our planning time was shorter than desirable, but the were able to make it happen very efficiently and effectively. They handled every aspect of the program from start to finish without any problems of any kind, and I truly enjoyed their pleasant, friendly attitude.

Catherine Hawkins, 2019
Professor of Social Work and Honorary Professor of International Studies
Texas State University - San Marcos

We are happy to have made the connection with Pacific Discovery. Our organisation, Ulu Mau Puanui, is a non-profit organization located on Hawai'i Island. We engage visitors in 'āina based or land-based and culturally centred education. Working with Pacific Discovery has been a seamless relationship because they provide opportunities for their participants to engage in experiential learning. We are in full support of Pacific Discovery's efforts in shaping their participants into responsible travelers. It is a joy to work with their team leaders and meet new participants.

Kehaulani, Ulu Mau Puanui, Hawai'i

We have been working with Pacific Discovery for over a decade and have built a great relationship over the years. We love partnering with PD so we can help people get to know the islands and understand the importance of such a fragile ecosystem. Over the years we have received many groups, constantly adapting the itinerary so that students can understand life in such a unique place.

Aline Louvett, Founder and GM
SharkSky EcoAdventures, Ecuador